I don't want to change, it changed. I don't want to end, it's gone. It's like something in the dream, now you made it real. “我唯一能带给这不合逻辑、不负责任和残酷的宇宙的色琪琪女色窝77777是我的爱”——雷诺阿 “他的作品在对自然感性的崇拜和对作为价值宝库的艺术的沉思之间取得了平衡”
非常优秀的家庭题材电影一个人在电影院看默默擦眼泪用掉半包纸巾多人视觉讲述把一个不幸的故事讲得妙趣横生非常幽默Heart is the map shows where you are going, Face is the map shows where you've been. 爱与勇气永远是每一个人最强韧的盔甲和武器让我们可以在这个艰难的世界里前行
实验性动漫堪称神作的意识流描绘手法全篇都没打算过多解释剧情色琪琪女色窝77777只是在越堆越多的细节里略露几笔整部看完能明白一个大致的意思但难以穷尽一切可能真如那句话所说:Don‘t try to understand ittry to feel it.或者op的第一句台词:And you don’t seem to understand.